Consoles are changing. While a new console generation usually emerges every five to seven years, they now occur every few years with generally fewer sweeping changes. However, the industry is no less interesting. The Sony PS4, Microsoft Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch are the most capable consoles to be released yet, each with its own unique set of advantages, disadvantages, unique features, and exclusive games. These consoles are frequently changing, but you can chart their growth with our coverage.
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Sony’s new ‘slim’ PlayStation 5 is smaller but also weirder
The benefits of Sony’s new PS5 are mostly few and far between, even if a (somewhat) smaller console is a welcome change.
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Analogue Pocket review: Game Boy games have never looked so good
A modern handheld that celebrates the classics
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The Astro City Mini is an awesome blast through Sega’s arcade past
And it’s coming to the US this week
Nintendo Switch review: pure potential
Nintendo's best hardware ever, but many questions remain unanswered