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William Poor

William Poor

Senior Producer

Will Poor is a Senior Producer at The Verge.

Watch’s “Lisa’s Final Act” now!

After seven months of reporting and production, we’re excited to finally publish our documentary, Lisa’s Final Act: how Apple invented its future by burying its past. It’s the story of how Apple tried multiple times to kill the Lisa, the big sister of the Macintosh and a pioneering flop of a computer.

Come for the strange tale of politics and ego, stay for the clandestine burial in a Utah landfill. Enjoy!

Sabotage, second chances, and a secret burial.

Check out the trailer for our latest documentary, Lisa’s Final Act. It’s the story of how Steve Jobs’ revolutionary catastrophe of a computer, the Apple Lisa, earned a brief second life before being buried for good... literally. Coming soon!

A peek inside the Lisa, Apple’s alternate-history Mac.

The Apple Lisa was released in 1983, a year before the Macintosh changed personal computing forever. The Lisa was quietly discontinued after just a couple years... but boy, the Mac owes a lot to its predecessor. We got a chance to sit down and play with a Lisa — here’s what we learned.

Why the risk of orbital collisions is skyrocketing

Congestion in space could cause big problems on Earth